Read also have two virgo man and life, confident taurus man. Those who genuinely care will try to change their approach. Also, Virgos and Scorpios enjoy each other's company that they often don't find it hard to work well with one another. But he just doesnt seem to care and hasnt seemed to want to talk about anything (like we used to be able to do) there is no effort to make things better. These are designed to show exactly how compatible you are with a given partner and explore everything about your relationship, including a detailed analysis of your personality and your partner's personality. If the person was someone who isnt so significant in their life, then perhaps theyll let it go. Get Deeper Readings With a Trusted Psychic. After thorough analysis, its the fearless Scorpion who trains the maiden about sex through hours of sensual and satisfying steamy sessions. A first date between Virgo and Scorpio could be a movie and dinner at a quaint cafe. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. The earth signs also share the same negative trait of being a workaholic. One of the possible problems of a Virgo man/Scorpio woman can be the propensity for jealousy of the Scorpio and the judgmental persona of a Virgo. These two can develop an intellectual and emotional bond. In terms of Scorpio women and Virgo men, a Scorpio woman will always appreciate a Virgo man's reliability. And theyre both able to keep their analysis to themselves, not letting on whats going on behind the scenes. Still, waters run deep! Best relationship Ive ever had. I dont know you but I recognize the love/connection you have with your Virgo and your post made me smile.that another Scorpio woman was wise and mature enough to learn her partner and balance your differences to make it work. Their mutual need for emotional security fosters extreme loyalty to one another. Around the Scorpio, the Virgo finally seems to have some form of peace and tranquility. On the other hand, Virgos will get crazy taking note of the minutest details and use them in the future to manipulate the Scorpio woman. The bond between a Scorpio and a Virgo is intense and deep. This is because you are connected with each other even in silence. Scorpio And Virgo Compatibility. I love my scorpio man so much! These signs have great admiration for each other. MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. The worst match for a Scorpio ever, dont ever give one a chance, theyre super evil. After all, both signs are known for their intellect, honesty, and loyalty, and there's no one who enjoys fixating on. she will bring the warmness, and he will give the faith and security. I feel like a part of me is dying. so true! Virgo likes the quiet, intimacy of cafes and Scorpio loves people watching. Virgos can realign the Scorpios when they fell under their fits, while Scorpios can teach Virgos how to provide criticisms without sounding like a judgmental person. Seriously? The Virgo woman would also appreciate the Scorpio man when he can sense that she needs something. On the other hand, you can compare a Scorpio man's jealousy and pain to a volcano. You both would also have no problem in communicating with each other. Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility: Introduction, Virgo and Scorpio: Love and Emotional Compatibility, Read Also: Virgo Love Compatibility with 12 Star Signs, Virgo Love Compatibility with 12 Star Signs. What goes in to make a relationship work? 3. That tendency manifests into workaholism, and it proves to be unhealthy for Virgos. Scorpios are demonstrative, intuitive and passionate. As Virgos and Scorpios balance each other, they make a perfect team, capable of manifesting any dreams or goals they have in mind. Once this happens, both of them can get wild and allow their pleasures to reign. Virgos can show Scorpios how to be practical and pragmatic, while Scorpios may show Virgos how to be more empathic and sensitive. scorpios are very old fashion. They are wary of relationships and are vulnerable to power-games. It is the case that you find it very hard to understand your lover being the facts/he is emotionally deep. They can try their wildest imaginations, and one can be more open with their kinks. Scorpio's compatibility with Virgo is high because Virgo is a supportive and loyal partner. Virgo Man with Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility, Virgo Woman with Scorpio Man Love Compatibility, Virgo Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. Virgo and Libra Compatibility Love, Life, Trust and Sex Compatibility, Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility Love, Life, Trust and Sex Compatibility. There are many other planets which can have an equal or greater effect on someone's personality. This is because Scorpio are somewhat addicted to emotional excitement. These two also have the most complex personalities since the other zodiac signs often scrutinize them. Why? Put those high walls down and get him to trust you by discovering Scorpio Man Secrets! we wont work out without trust, faith, and communication. My boss is Virgo and I am Scorpio. Words of affirmation = their love language. The analytical, detail-oriented minds of these two signs dont just make them a good couple. In the long term however you'll find this is a lover who definitely appreciates your confidence and style. However, learning from each other, absorbing some of the others best qualities, and adapting to whichever approach is most appropriate in a particular situation, can turn it into a highly effective duo! Neither of these signs is the type to enjoy large crowds or group events. As a person, you often look for someone that will share your emotion about life. Scorpio men are SNEAKY. We are compatible on all levels. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. Scorpio loves listening to verbose Virgo, which makes Virgo feel appreciated and safe. Both like to keep busy, while remaining productive. Virgos also triumph over their incomparable analytical and critical thinking skills. As romantic Scorpio muses and daydreams about Virgos ultimate submission they can become quite desperate and turn up singing love ballads. To attract Virgo, show stability and dont pull any surprises. They like being surprised by their lovers intellect and being told about things theyve never heard before. He is apparantly getting what he wants from two woman, that is extremely selfish behavior and its not okay to go behind someone elses back, not to mention living a double life! Scorpios embody karma what you give is what youll get. Yes, Virgos are very critical, judgmental, detailed-oriented, shy, reserved, a perfectionist, and they can come across as cold and rigid. Scorpio Compatibility in Love, Sex & Relationship: Best Ship Is? They can smell weakness in others and show sympathy and an uncanny patience. This pairing is hard to break in almost all relationships. Scorpios would be drawn to their partner's secretive nature, while Virgo would appreciate their emotional partner. I learned that I need balance not someone just like me . Once Virgo and the Scorpio decided to take things to the next level, the relationship will get stronger. From naughty to nice, my reviews of ebooks on dating, love, sex and more. Scorpio emotionally hides in their shell, but when the pressure becomes too intense, suddenly explodes. She becomes more drawn to him when she discovers that the Scorpio man also possesses a keen sense of practicality, intuition, and deep insights. The Virgo and Scorpio compatibility score is 76%. Jealousy in a bit swerving and appearance. When both the signs come together under the bond of friendship, there's no stopping them because they make amazing friends! At the workplace, Virgos will rely more on order and structure when doing things. Most of the time, Virgo and Scorpio horoscope match go well with each other. His mother even told me that he said he thinks Im amazing, but he wants to make sure Im not crazy haha Its been a year for us now, and I feel like things are getting better. Both these individuals are the seekers of a secure, comfortable, and consistent relationship. He is very much the person who calms me down if i ever get upset and helps me resolve problems in my life. Sometimes, they can burst out of their anger in a fit of passion. This is because you are connected with each other even in silence. Display genuineness, and no pick up lines. When Virgo Scorpio friends combine with each other to discuss things, you find yourselves discussing amusingly. They have to meet halfway to form a strong and lasting relationship with each other. The Scorpio compatibility with a Virgo would . They can create something never accomplished before, and when this duo joins forces, they'll be a force to reckon with. There are very strong ties between this couple, and intense mutual loyalty creates their strongest bond. Virgo likes the quiet, intimacy of cafes and Scorpio loves people watching. Virgos know how to navigate the Scorpios despite being complicated, and they have no objections to it. However, you often find a way of overcoming any trust issue. Secure that spot by showering your Virgo with sense of security and trustworthiness with the help of a comprehensive guide like, Virgos also triumph over their incomparable analytical and critical thinking skills. The extreme loyalty that is known to this Virgo Scorpio unionis as a result of the emotional security that both of you have. Well at the end his mean words sounded very convincing. Because neither of these signs has that headstrong, fiery nature like Aries or Leo, theyre unlikely to get into heated arguments often. The twosome often feels like they've known each other for their entire lives and become fast best friends. She gets on my nerves and the woman is a wreck. Why? Virgo is an earth sign while Scorpio is a water sign, and though they're not of the same element, water and earth signs usually get along harmoniously. Avoid arguments before they start and turn your differences into strengths. Is Virgo sexually compatible with Scorpio? but some time her smart remark gets me heated.. After I finally believed that I could trust her, I let her in my private bubble and into my home by making her my roommate, an honor I dont take lightly (that is if I have a say in it) After a year and some change, I got bored of her cynicism and negative outlook on life and start to see her how manipulative and love to collect your secrets so whenever we had an agrument or disagreement, shell try to use it against me and tried to make herself look better than I am. Scorpios, as water signs, can be unpredictable and violent at the same time. They r on to the next one. It's important to note however that individual relationships vary enormously. Then, a couple weeks later he starts to back off. We do not rank our recommended psychic reading websites on their host psychic practitioner's ability to predict the future. This is a summarized picture, a real compatibility reading is needed to judge a real relationship. However, you seem to be a little bit cooler and silent when it comes to intellectualism. FYI, not all Virgos are cynical and vindictive. It is the case that both of you are always overcome any problem that might face you. You are an Earth sign while your lover is a water sign. Best wishes with the next one! Because they are methodical perfectionists, they value consistency and having stable relationships both with their friends, and their partner. These two zodiac signs both crave a lot of the same things. You often find it very easy to cope and relate well to each other compared to others. For Scorpio and Virgo, compatibility is a blend of opposites, in many ways, but one which works very well given half a chance. Some of the upsides in Scorpio and Virgo compatibility are as below: For a major part, the Scorpio and Virgo couple has high compatibility. Behind Scorpios mysterious and tough exterior, is someone who loves discovering what makes their loved one happy. I dont want to loose him, but hes not the man I once knew him to be, I love him and miss him. It might actually be a source of bonding since they view the world through similar lenses, and can compare notes with one another about the people they meet. So sweet and caring.. im a virgo woman and scorpios are the only sign that can handle me i knw them like da back of my hand..the good thing about them is only the sex if u a virgo u know scorpios bring out ur sexual side..they really take u there if u know wat i mean but the bad part is they lie cheat and manipulate they love to play mind games and somehow i always end up falln for them and end up gettn my heart broke like how im feeln right now over onei currently broke it off wit da scorpio man i was just dating he play to many mind games and i still manage to fall in love wit him ugh i wish love came with a receipt or refund cus all he gave me was false advertise like all scorpio do on the surface is wat exactly wat they want u to see til u really start to see there true colors ..he wasnt anything like i thought he was so WORD ADVICE TO ALL VIRGO WOMEN STAY FAR AWAY FROM SCORPIO MAN!!! I know I will be in time . Virgo is a talkative sign, ruled by Mercury the planet of communication, but they hold on to a much more quiet and intellectual side of Mercury than we might anticipate. This relationship could have a little problem as a result of your changing nature compared to your lovers fixed personality. You'll want control, and this is a partner who will be mostly willing to give you it. Trust doesnt come to them easily but they always feel safe in each others company. How to know if you're with your soulmate. If you ask an astrologer about compatibility, theyll want to see your and your baes entire birth charts. They involve logic and critical thinking in everything they do, and it's tough to gain the trust of a Virgo. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Scorpio can help Virgo show their emotional side. sometimes he goes cynical towards meand it hurts me that i go cold and silent at him. Theyll guard their emotions and their feelings because Scorpios are afraid people will see them as vulnerable and use these against them. Both Scorpio and Virgo share the same need to keep their sexual lives private. Overall, Virgos and Scorpios fit each other like puzzle pieces. As the stinger is lusty and erotic, it raises Virgos expectations of pleasure, as both bring forth a level of passion where they get carried away! But if they do, the consequences have the potential to be severe. Virgo is very self sufficient, a quality you'll come to appreciate more once trust and understanding have been established. The Scorpio man can then teach the Virgo woman how to swim in her depths of feelings. This constant criticism will always make your relationship moody. Virgo the Earth element and Scorpio the Water element are extremely compatible together, like Rain is to plants. In a relationship, one completes the other and nourishes it as Water does to Earth. The harder Virgo tries, the more Scorpio deflects. He is mistreating two women and that kind of behavior is a HUGE red flag! Of course, you should not rely on the zodiac sun signs alone. Virgo's compatibility is high because Scorpio is both rational and emotional. 1 FREE Report of your choice! This characteristic unites all of the earth's signs of the zodiac. Scorpios are demonstrative, intuitive and passionate. Who ever said those two are a match was dead wrong! One of Virgos biggest values is stability. Im a Scorpio woman who dated a Virgo man.. We hit it off at first and I loved that he was very intellectual and we would have these deep conversations about social justice..But as the relationship developed he started getting more controlling with me..wanted to move things way too fast.and then when I wouldnt give in to him he became very abrupt, passive aggressive and so critical of me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Often time, Virgo Scorpio sun signs find it very easy to get along with each other. Our sex life is incredible , i wouldnt change it for anything ever . like me and him are forever sticking together! Great friendship is pretty much assured, but a love match could be questionable. It is the case that both of you are ready for each other. Scorpios will take time to listen as the Virgo becomes transparent and reveals his deepest feelings and desires. One quirk of this match is that initially you'll probably do most of the talking (and pursuing), but as time goes on you'll find that role reverses, and your Virgo becomes the chatty one, perhaps wondering what happened. Almost the same thing happened with another one. Virgo & Scorpio compatibility. If youre a Virgo and asking yourself if your Scorpio is a good decision, then youre in the right place! Makes sense, as ultimately everyone is of course unique. Read More About Karen Here. Virgo men like to use women tell them sweet lies pretty much what a woman would want to hear and later on take all the words back and actually accuse you of being an idiot and believing everything they say. I learned that too late, I wanted more emotional/physical expression from him. Virgos may notice that Scorpios tend to switch decisions and jump from one process to another without considering the consequences. Its a mirage out there! Virgo turns to be Scorpios anchor when things go haywire, while its the Scorpion who teaches the Virgin to navigate the watery depth of emotions which leads to emotional connectivity between the two! They both begin analyzing the person theyre speaking with from the very first moment they meet. Small differences in style can get in the way, though. Most of the time, you want to order in whatever you do while your lover wants power. Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. The Virgo-and-Scorpio interaction is one of the more interesting mixes. The Virgo and Scorpiocompatibility score is 76%. Virgo and Scorpio are an eccentric match that can thrive and dominate together, which can make them seem intimidating. Virgo are very practical people with strong intellect. In the case of Virgos, they set standards for themselves that they feel they're coming short of those standards. Their ways might be different, but as friends, they can steer one another to the right path and teach the other what to do given a situation. I am a scorpio woman who is madly in love with my virgo man. Virgo and Scorpio will spend hours picking each others brains, considering different perspectives, and examining everything and everyone around them. Scorpio is more than capable of doing this for Virgo, and Virgo will likely be impressed since there arent many other signs that can do this as successfully. While both of these signs pay attention to the details, they do so for different reasons. Yes, it is! The key to a lasting relationship between a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man lies in good communication between the two. Let him go and find some one whorthy of you. The connection of Venus and your sign on the sixteenth can help . Scorpio loves the practicality Virgo have to offer as this makes them think in a new direction. Virgo can be shy, timid and reserved, and your strong personality, supreme confidence and caring nature will sit well with this partner, while you'll find they add emotional stability and a level of organization to your life, which you sometimes lack. You are a lively pair. This pandemic has cause the end of many relationships, only the strong ones will survive. Sounds like he was mentally disturbed and those things can happen with any sign. The match between Scorpios and Virgos transcends any barrier, and they would work well together wherever they are. Once the Scorpio woman becomes apparent with her intentions and loyalty, the Virgo man will start to open up. yes, its true that this pair is not an easy one. Both Virgo and Scorpio present an inscrutable mask in public, so this couple probably had quite a task in getting to know each other to begin with. They are strong individuals and give their trust and loyalty to everyone who shows they deserve it. I have read some of these posts and I can relate I hope all of you are successful with your relationships. Over time, Virgo opens up and shows a creative but structured successful star sign. As earth and water signs, Virgos and Scorpios complement each other in a lot of ways. If there's one thing you'd love about Virgos, that would be their tendency to be loyal and to be trustworthy. There may be some differences, but those work out as well with Virgos and Scorpios. Its a stinging Scorpion! These little secret activities make their bonds more substantial, and it also builds their trust with each other. With their deep psychic gift, they can sensitively respond to Virgos needs for high standards and commitments. Dont get me wrong we had great times but my scorpio ladies always remember that the moments you cherish with your virgo men will never be cherished by them. Great friendship is pretty much assured, but a love match could be questionable. I love how intelligent and hard working he is, and he would be a great father in the future, but my sign wants results now! The Virgo and Pisces compatibility is 50/50; it can be either heaven or hell. To seduce a Scorpio be prepared to invest time. This is a very interesting couple in the domain of sexual activity - one of them hiding their sexuality, and the other acting as sex itself. Overall, the tandem of Virgos and Scorpios in the workplace will prove to be great. Heres why it is one of the best! I specialize in providing fast and accurate relationship readings delivered by email. Virgo is more practical than Scorpio, and so it may find Scorpions emotionally driven-decisions to be downright reckless and imprudent. Your inability to let your lover down just like him/her is a reason for your strong relationship. Scorpio, for example, can help Virgo delve into the mystical side of things, while Virgo can help Scorpio be more creative. 1999 - 2021 Sexual Astrology - All rights reserved. Trust in a relationship that involves both you and your lover. The Virgo woman can also sever the trust, and once she does so, no amount of love can repair it back. At the end both broke my heart so bad that even a year later I still feel like it happened yesterday. You may be surprised, but yes, Virgos and Scorpios represent one of the best zodiac match-ups in the world. Virgo is prone to anxiety and insecurity, so a sense of stability helps them handle this. The Scorpio often becomes suspicious of the little gestures given by the Virgo. These two quickly learn each other's communication styles. This is totally normal, Scorpio can be a notoriously silent lover once comfortable with a partner, and it won't be because of you. Not some one to build a life with. Yes, its a stinging Scorpion, whose raw and untamed wilderness passively lures this dainty Virgin! Virgo and scorpio friendship Compatibility Score: 3.2/5. Both Virgo and Scorpio are highly analytical and perceptive signs. To attract Virgo, show stability and don't pull any surprises. Scorpio for life. The trust could also be understood from the understanding you both foster even when you are both silents. However, your emotional attachment could face a problem when both of you start reminding each other of each others imperfections. Yet, it is precisely this that attracts them. Scorpio men are intellectual but also deeply intuitive and emotional. Even the smallest crack can burst this lava into a fit of full-blown anger. With an agreeable amount of give and take, the Water-borne creature can find its Virgin more elegant, exciting, and sensual. They can devote their whole body and soul to the person they love. Both of these signs are emotional and carry their feelings deep within them (as opposed to on their sleeve like Aries). A place where if something is to ever happened to her, no hand of mine will be extended towards her and I will help anyone and I mean anyone who is truly in need. As they keep their sex lives private, emotions can run wild. Their suspicions are a big part of them as are their expectations. Scorpio values loyalty and fairness above all else. I had a similar connection with him as you described of your Virgo, but I lost him. Since both Scorpio and Virgo are feminine signs with similar property while Scorpio people are aggressive, the match between you will be solid and precise. 6 Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility Secrets 1. Virgos tend to be practical and pragmatic, while Scorpios bask in their emotional tendencies and rely more on their instincts. The hot and steaming lava may brew inside, waiting for the explosion. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. He is what I need to grow and be stable and I thank God for him. Virgos like their feet planted on the ground. In contrast, Virgos crave sex just as much as a Scorpio does. Free to join to find a man and meet a man online who is single and seek you. Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, and the mutable earth sign is sextile, or two signs apart from Virgo, which can make for calm waters. Scorpios also tend to be hypersensitive to their emotions. That being said, Scorpios ability to sense and perceive things about others, without needing the person to say them out loud, will be a great asset in this relationship. We do not rank our recommended psychic reading websites on their host psychic practitioner's ability to predict the future. Immensely curious and successful, there will be few dull moments in this love match. If your partner senses any emotional distance on your part, he/she may use various means to regain some sense of control. As they understand each others different styles, the combination can be very graceful and smooth. A blissful union between the two can be captivating, as both sides tightly hold on to the reigns of respect and mutual admiration! A Virgo man and Scorpio woman meekly complement each other. Work on these differences and thrive as the, Virgo & Libra Compatibility: One Word Adjustments, Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility: Friendship, Love, and Sex, Virgo and Virgo Compatibility: Deeper Connections. Secure that spot by showering your Virgo with sense of security and trustworthiness with the help of a comprehensive guide like Virgo Man Secrets. Virgo and Scorpio compatibility could have a little problem with the constant criticism. I love this boy bro, Run run run! Your email address will not be published. Ask the Virgin! You might wonder what on earth strong, powerful Scorpio and meek, unassuming Virgo see in one another and Virgo and Scorpio compatibility does make for an unusual couple. Virgo can be shy, timid and reserved, and your strong personality, supreme confidence and caring nature will sit well with this partner, while youll find they add emotional stability and a level of organization to your life, which you sometimes lack. To get a complete picture we need to take all the other planets and their interactions into account for each of you, with a real astrology reading Scorpio man Scorpio womanVirgo manVirgo woman, For details of the most common pros and cons of relationships with each of the other signs I have a separate index of articles on Virgo compatibility and Scorpio compatibility. If they sense passion and commitment is missing or waning out in Virgo, they start finding their relationship and interaction boring. Scorpios respect Virgos, and Virgos don't rush Scorpios. Both of you are always ready to go to any length in life in overcoming any issue. Virgo and Scorpio is a good match, working well as a team and complimenting each others strengths and weaknesses. The earth signs also share the same negative trait of being a workaholic. Your Scorpio will be in control here, and you probably won't have any complaints about that. This habit has the potential to cause issues between the two, but its not a given that it will. It's the most powerful tool I've found to predict the future of a relationship. All that matters is, which signs are perfect matches for yours? Although Scorpios depths of emotion may sometimes overwhelm the more logical and detached Virgo, both of these signs are seeking security and stability. The sexual tension between a Scorpio and a Virgo proves to be powerful. Even though Scorpio can be too rough of Virgo, making them feel . As a Scorpion, we like to be in control and with my Virgo I feel as if I am losing control because he has my mind, body, and heart.