Im a family man, with family values and former Police Sergeant having been stationed locally, before establishing my consultancy and training business. Maroondah City Council election results | Mirage News Mental health will become more of an issue, more people have had their income slashed, home schooling has had a stressfuleffect on students & parents, isolation & social distancing has been hard on all of us, even my own business is closed until December, we need people who really understand the situation, who know the struggles of making every dollar count. These boundaries ensure each councillor represents roughly the same number of voters. Its an important way to bring families and communities together. Maroondah is moving to a Sustainable development design framework, but at this stage only for developments of 3 or more dwellings on a block (down from 10).Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? I have always been a strong advocate for young people, women, and anyone in our community needing support. Im seeking for your vote to represent you as your Ward councillor on Maroondah City Council. Eight councils will change to Single Member Wards for the 2020 elections. Families and elderly residents simply cant afford rate increases in the current economic environment. 20984, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. Questions from Ruskin Park Residents Action Group. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?Actively working together with the local community, community leaders and environmental organisations and having regular and interactive consultations which are diverse and inclusive, listening to changing community needs, ensuring achievable goals are set and ensuring transparency throughout the whole process. Maroondah City Council currently has 9 wards: Barngeong, Bungalook, Jubilee, McAlpin, Tarralla, Wicklow, Wonga, Wombalano and Yarrunga. In Ward 5 which encompasses southwest Oklahoma City largely between Interstate 44 and S Santa Fe Avenue Councilman David Greenwell stepped aside to make way for four candidates to run for his seat held since 2011. I was a secondary school teacher; I now work at a university. To do this we need sound planning provisions and councillors with the strength and experience to enforce them. Maroondah City Council Map - Detailed Arrabri Ward (3 vacancies) Results for this election have now been finalised. We hope this helps you with your voting choices. As a long-time resident in Ringwood East whose children have and are attending local public schools, I have loved volunteering in the classroom, being a member of the Kalinda Parents and Friends Association and being an enthusiastic Maroondah Magic mum. I live in Croydon North. I will use my experience to continue to work on behalf of businesses in Maroondah to ensure their growth, cut red tape that hinders them, and focus on our ability to attract and retain new business. D. D. R. Following the 2020 presidential election, 62.2% of Utahns lived in one of the state's 26 Solid Republican counties, which voted for the Republican presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 37.5% lived in one of two Trending Democratic counties: Salt Lake and Summit. Pot holes and rough roads affecting our cars! Vote 1 Peter Feeney 2 Donna MacKinnon 3 Other candidate. 20878, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2018/19 Update) and Budget 2018/2019, Ringwood East Shopping Centre Proposed Declaration of Special Rate Scheme, Draft Maroondah Affordable and Social Housing Policy & Draft Maroondah Gambling Policy, Maroondah City Council Extraordinary Vacancy - Maroondah Leader - 3 July 2018, Notice of Tender - Pool Boiler Replacement - Contract No. I currently work for the City of Whittlesea as a Family Violence Project Officer leading a team project and collaborating in the northern metropolitan region. Almost 30 years as your councillor, 8 mayoral terms, last mayor Croydon, first mayor Maroondah. I have a lifetime of local knowledge to draw upon, having attended primary and secondary schools locally and been a volunteer in many community organisations, including as President of South Croydon Football Club. I am determined to ensure that your voice matters within Maroondah Council. My qualifications focused on Urban Geography, my thesis on transport at the local government level. You may use the contact details provided to encourage them to do so. Ward boundaries Councillor code of conduct Council elections Women in local government Maroondah City Council Electoral Representation Review Back to top I ask that you vote 1 Suzanne Stojanovic to represent McAlpin Ward. I will push for Council to be given more power to order repairs or demolition at the owners expense. We need responsible development of community infrastructure and to ensure that new developments are appropriate to the area, of a high quality and meet high sustainability benchmarks. With our economy in recession, local families are doing it tough. 1.Maintaining and enhancing our parks and gardens.2.Improving our sporting facilities.3.More bicycle paths and walking tracks.4.An improved waste management system, to stop reliance on land fill, and improved recycling. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless Council is required or authorised to do so by law. I would also like the community to engage more with Council consultation. New ward boundaries for the eight councils are informed by modelling by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC). Maroondah Council candidate faces court | Local Government Inspectorate In these difficult days of isolation, thats where council now has an even bigger part to play. Those advocacy skills ensured that at the last federal election, as Mayor, I was able to secure over $140m in funding for Maroondah. I care about our native habitats and will ensure the Mullum creek area native program continues. For a fresh face on council who will represent this community with rigour and will not be afraid to support what matters most, I seek your vote. Question 1. Im standing for Maroondah Council because I want a council that is more family friendly and focused on community needs. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. 20951, Preparation of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2020/21 Update) and Budget 2020/21, Proposed road discontinuance - Pitt Street Ringwood, Karralyka Centre early works - contract no. (3) Supporting Innovation communities and accelerator programs, that help communities identify solutions to climate change. Since then, Council spent $54M and borrowed $25M to build the Ringwood Pool and have budgeted $28M to relocate the offices to Eastland. I went to school locally. A new ward; we need new energy, new ideas and a new level of commitment, care and compassion for our community and environment. Like you, I believe in the need to protect our leafy open space, our recreation reserves, and balance new residential and commercial areas. Tarralla and Maroondah for that matter are part of a rich ecosystem that needs to be protected for future generations to come. Id also like to see in-person consultation this could be at various times by various means. Ive lived in Maroondah my entire life. beside the land swap there is another $23m in this years budget for what? I understand the challenges businesses are facing right now because I grew up in a family business. Maroondah Council Elections - HEATHMONT BUSHCARE Maroondah City Council election results 2016 I initiated the 9-instalment option for the paying of rates and I will continue to ensure that with the current Covid-19 issues, residents are given every assistance for the paying of rates, without financial penalty. Improved protections for residents against inappropriate development?b. I will act to maintain our distinctive neighborhoods. This includes working with the community and developing solutions around terrestrial ecosystems and thematic issues covering climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation. I am offering myself to be your Councillor for the Barngeong Ward. I come from among us, as a Croydon small business owner and resident, parent of school and kinder aged children, active member of local soccer, baseball and tennis clubs, and Scouts group. December 4, 2023. Council can do more to assist them. Any access to the information, amendments that may be required or any privacy enquiries may be directed to Council's Privacy Officer & Health Records Officer on, Swimming pool and spa registration and fencing compliance requirements, Community celebrations. Candidates who identify as LGBTIQA+ will . Maroondah council candidate fined | Local Government Inspectorate While The Council of Capital City of Lord Mayors, major Global corporations and community groups have now signed on to the Climate Emergency pledge, a lot of work needs to be done at a local council level on the protection of our environment. Listening to you and representing your views honestly, is what I care about. Vote 1 Les Willmott OAM. Ill open up council land to create more parklands, with trails, for community and recreational use. 2023 Chicago Police District Councils Voter Guide Whilst many services are of high standards, our Council can always do better. All these things can be realistically achieved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?There need to be more channels through which we communicate. Im asking for your vote so I can deliver results for our community. What I am is a working resident of Ringwood who has had enough of council bureaucracy. I know that COVID has made doing business very hard for many. It is important to continue to pressure the Federal and State Governments to provide adequate funding for maintenance, and improvement of existing and future services, especially for our seniors, children, and youth. Im asking for your vote so together we can continue to make our community a better place to live and work. And through the policy team on Council. We must continue to have community consultation meetings, to ensure that the residents concerns are heard and acted upon. Hi, Im Veronica. Last updated: 23 January 2023. I want our elderly to maintain their dignity and receive the optimal care that they are entitled to. I am not a member of any political party, nor am I a career politician. If Elected; I will make the Council more accountable when deciding to spend ratepayers money. To contact or learn more about me Mob: 0412 106 I think after the experience of the Corkman Pub demolition in Carlton, there is extra vigilance and sensitivity to heritage protections. As a resident for 30+ years, Im standing for re-election because I am a passionate and independent voice determined to make our local community a better place to live, work and play for all. Our buildings are taller and freeways wider. Its been an honour to represent you since 2016 and to be the Deputy Mayor this year. Because someday in life you will have been all. I think it is a gesture which is meaningless at the Local Government level.What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?More transparency in Council planning. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. I will fight to protect our public open space and ensure that the South Croydon Primary School site and Dorset Golf Course remain in community hands and are not sold to developers. At the moment only 8.9% of the budget is spent on community, this needs to double or even triple over the next few years. Why or why not?I would need more information from council as to where it currently sits. Vision: Is to meet resident needs of today, without compromising the future. Mission: I Love our local area and it is time we focus on the things that matter to us. At the close of nominations for this election, the number of candidates was equal to the number of vacancies. I love this community and I want to see it thrive. I play vets football for North Ringwood FC; Coached junior football for 9 years; Member of Aquanation and MVC; and sponsor numerous local sporting clubs and charities. Question 2. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. As a Professional Engineer, and graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, I will bring a fresh, invigorated approach to the leadership of our local area. What will you do as a Councillor to address these issues?1.Rate increases kept to a minimum.2.Loss of canopy trees and our green environment and Heritage buildings because of inappropriate development.3.Selling of council owned assets and public open space because of councils increasing high debt. Barngeong Ward. Councillors and wards - Maroondah City Council Weve all had to dig in deep and make many sacrifices. I support keeping our historical buildings and limiting the overdevelopment of our suburbs. Meet The Candidates For Nury Martinez's LA City Council Seat Please Vote 1 Neil Rose. I understand business, technology and community. in more languages and also in plain English. Any major decisions should be communicated about before the decision is made. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?A range of sources: newspaper, shared articles from environment groups on Facebook such as Eastern Action for the Environment, email updates from ACF, shared information on Twitter.What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Some public electric car charging stations would help drive the change to those. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?ABC News, The Guardian, Michael West Media, SBS, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I would like Maroondah council to declare a climate emergency. Post-COVID, our council needs to shift its focus to better support residents and small businesses. Question 3. As your Councillor I will fight for; a compassionate Council that cares for the community, more opportunities for local employment and local business, infrastructure that enables and connects people, protection of a leafy green Maroondah, and a transparent Council that keeps the community informed. I have worked for government and have successfully run my own business for the last 29 years. I live near Federation Estate with my two daughters. In order to respond to a tender you must first register. Enlighten set to delight viewers in Ringwood Town Square, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age & Maroondah Leader - 6 February 2018, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 9 February 2018, Security & CCTV Services - Contract No. Mother. I have lived and worked in Maroondah for 45 years. David Attenborough) andorganizations such as the ACFWhat most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I am not sure until I see what the situation is from the inside. I have a Graduate Diploma in Arts from the University of Melbourne which is excellent training for balancing issues faced by Council. I will work to ensure that the Council continues to deliver high-quality Services that assist youth, seniors and families from all faiths and cultures. If elected, I will listen, be accountable and work hard towards achieving the best results for our community. I will take tough action to stop developers from sitting on vacant shops, cut the red tape and reduce bureaucracy for small businesses and residents. By working together with State and Federal governments Maroondah has received funding for community facilities like Maroondah Nets, the HE Parker sporting pavilion and the Athletics Pavilion at Proclamation Park. For the best website experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Contact me at ph: 0424 372 752 Vote 1 Donna MacKinnon, Vote 2 Peter Feeney, then all other candidates in the order of your choice., You can listen to Donna MacKinnon on our podcast. Find out more about the candidates and Home - Maroondah City Council Ward boundaries - Maroondah City Council An election campaign donation return must contain details in respect of any gifts received by the candidate or on behalf of the candidate during the donation period to be used for or in connection with the election campaign, the amount or value that is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold ($500) including the amount or value of goods, services and in-kind support. I have lived in Maroondah for all my life and grew up in South Croydon. I am retired so I can freely put my time into the responsibilities of being a Councillor. Our sport and recreation facilities are world-class, but we need a councilled campaign to actively engage our community and get kids, in particular, active again once government restrictions are eased.Please contact me on 0407504188 if you would like to chat about issues that concern you. It involves selecting the candidates who most competitively meet . 27th Annual Mayoral Art Exhibition 2022 acquisitions announced, Goats in the city - Sustainable vegetation removal, Caring for our carers - Pathways for Carers program, Lift your spirits with the Maroondah Lift Project, New pavilion boosts membership interest for user groups, Explore the great outdoors this Nature Play Week, Community Grants Funding Program Chin Community Victoria Inc, Cr Nora Lamont resigns from Maroondah City Council, Fresh Theatre returns to Maroondah with new show, The Unsaid, Be Brave. Ill inject funding into junior sports, create first class sporting facilities, and upgrade rooms to be female friendly, which will also assist to improve female participation in local sports. CPI is at zero or minus, council has sacked approximately 480 workers, many council services have been cancelled or are inaccessible yet our rates went up by the maximum amount, another 2%, mine have gone up by 30% in 5 years with no improvements. Sharing information provided by prospective Councillors seeking our votes is important information. 20990, Notice of Intention to Amend Road Management Plan, Waste disposal services - contract no. Please Vote 1 for Veronica Stevens on your voting papers. These and other opportunities for community consultation need to be well publicised so that as many people as possible are aware of their opportunity to be involved. You can currently sign up to council email newsletters, but I dont think many are aware this is available. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. January 16, 2024. As we move through the pandemic and the economic fallout its more important than ever to have steady leadership and experience to navigate through the next four years. You can apply to vote by post, or apply to vote by proxy, when you ask someone you trust to vote on your behalf. We come together in parks, clubs, pavilions, walking tracks, community halls, elderly citizens centers, bike paths and shopping strips. I want to ensure local traders are given support, so our community shopping strips not only survive but flourish. I am seeking your support for re-election to continue the COVID 19: Relief and Recovery Project, a program designed to assist businesses and the community who are suffering financial and emotional hardship. Candidates: Ron Davis Matthew Mitnick Kenneth Wilson District 5 20916, Toilet block construction - Contract no. 20896, Annual Report 2017/18 - The Age - 19 September 2018, Notice of Tender - Floodlighting Upgrade - Contract No. I have lived in the Maroondah area all my life and I am a manager of local business. .I agree with A to E, In addition to item E, neighbors should be alerted when there is a permit application for a Heritage building. As a parent myself, I am seeing that many young families are needing additional support right now, and as we emerge from COVID, there is going to be a real need to support the mental and physical health and wellbeing of our children and young people, who have been disconnected from education, play and recreation with friends and family. This candidate has partially pledged to supporting the priorities of LGBTIQA+ people. Council adopts 2022/23 Budget with $51.69m investment in capital works projects. About me: I am a management graduate working in the financial sector I have been living in Maroondah for the last 9 years with my wife and a 7-year-old son. 20922, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2019/20 Update) and Budget 2019/20, Notice of intention to discontinue road and sell land, Amenities refurbishment - contact no. Elections in your area | Electoral Commission My focus will be: To liaise with other councillors and council and see how we can support local small business back on track and create more jobs, Better elder and disability services. Mob: 0419 513 370noralamont67@gmail.com Last updated: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 02:42 PM, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, Watson Ward by-election, Municipal Association of Victoria President and Board elections 2023, State by-elections, supplementary elections and appointments, Internal reviews and special circumstances, By-election and supplementary election results, 2021 South Gippsland Shire Council election results, 2017 Greater Geelong City Council election results, Council by-election and countback results, Maroondah City Council election results 2020. Over 340 species identified during 2022 City Nature Challenge! o Working well o Other (Please describe).. Understanding that the 2014 scheme was reviewed and reformed in 2017 and 2018 by the state government, the scheme works to a degree and gives Council and residents some latitude; however, VCAT does not always share the views of Council and ultimately it has the final judgement. . Please vote 1 Christy Youssef so I can address all issues for the needs of all community. Why or why not?Yes! I care about the local community because I live, and I am raising my family in the ward of Wombolano. I am here for all of you. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?A stronger online presence from council, easier to use consultation process instead of the clunky not suitable for phones website. As a resident of Maroondah, with a young family, I know the importance of council services. At the moment, all available green space and play space at schools are being taken up by relocatable classrooms, leaving only passive play areas for students to socialise and move around. If it benefits the community, Ill support it. Maroondah City Council | Victorian Electoral Commission Shortlisting takes place after the closing date for applications. Ringwood VIC 3134, 179 Maroondah Highway Thank you to all those whove painted rainbows, created Spoonville characters and put teddy bears in the windows of your home. by admin | Oct 8, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. We must protect, maintain and enhance our natural and beautiful environment. Dion Terrell McGill Teresa R. Chandler Cherli Montgomery Joseph Williams Verna M. Swan Krystal Peters Eighth District Albert "Al" Cacciottolo Mark Hamberlin Jason Huff Ninth District Erin Vogel. 20929, Dandenong Creek Trail renewal works - contract no. thank you. I will also complete the now defunct promise to acquire the vacant South Croydon Primary School and soon to be vacant Croydon Community School Sites for community use and stop the possibility of their sell off for housing development. In 2013 I was recognised as Maroondah Citizen of the Year for my service to a wide range of community groups. 21001, Receipt and sort recyclables - contract no. Over the past two years, I have been your independent voice on council championing safer local roads and footpaths; inclusive community services and facilities, particularly for migrant groups and those with varying abilities and special needs; improving and protecting our parks and reserves, and defending against inappropriate development; investments in youth and seniors programs and services; ongoing support for families, parents and careers; and support to lift local trade and commerce.Vote 1 Cr Tasa Damante. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Global Warming (is everyones problem)Degradation of local waterwaysLoss of wildlife habitatDo you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Then I would like to see more open forums where people can provide input on detailed issues not just answer vague high-level questions. Our resilient and vibrant community is dealing with challenging times and local government matters to support in the recovery. The Victorian Electoral Commission acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners of the land. Council elections Maroondah City Council consists of 9 councillors elected by the Maroondah community every 4 years. Ill work with the community and town planners to ensure minimal congestion to our suburbs. See Information on election advertising signs in Maroondah: Election advertising requirements(pdf,49KB). We need councillors who listen to all the community, not just the groups with the loudest voices. It seems that all you see are more vacant shopfronts and gutted buildings. I agree that globally and locally we are in the midst of a Climate Emergency and with so many prominent leaders (from Greta Thunberg to Al Gore) advocating for change in the way were looking after our planet. 20920, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - 45, 47 and 49 Eastfield Road, Ringwood East, Golf cart path construction - Contract no.20921, Project management services - Car park redevelopment EOI - Contract no. Im married to Kathy and we have two sons, Michael and David. There are too many developments occurring that clear the block, wiping outeverything that existed before. I would like to see more established and ongoing community forums, and advisory groups of representatives, like Transition Towns Maroondah, and other local environmental and conservation, and historical groups. Do you believe improvements in heritage protections are required in Maroondah? BH: (03) 9723 4545AH: (03) 9723 4545Mob: 0417 391 743les.willmott@gmail.comFacebook This gives a context for the councils climate action plan.