Taylor: I know, I thought maybe I could have a change of heart so he could you knownot have a rough middle school year. Taylor: They just feel upset, I was blinded by anger, aggression and greed, I have lost my emotions after this. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< No sassing me young lady, go to your room now, >to Lincoln< son, I'll get you a steak for your eye, sit here on the couch and rest for a while. I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! To end his miserable life. Fanfiction - Road Trip Rage Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! The Sister Role Reversal. Principal Ramirez: >to Lynn< I know Ive fired you as Hall Monitor, but how would you like to be deputy Hall Monitor? Taylor: No joke, I just wanted to sayI'm sorry for bullying you. Kidnapped Caper Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. (Anderson and Pablo escorted Taylor to class, meanwhile Lincoln while in Mr. Bolhofner's trailer was giving out tests that they have finished Friday, after he brought the tests back, he sat back down and a loud fart was coming from his desk, everyone started to laugh, Mr. Bolhofner was annoyed and turned around in anger). Lincolnloud Stories Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. loud house fanfic Taylor: Well, I first encountered him along with my two friends Anderson and Pablo when he was sitting in our seat on the school bus (Taylor explained the whole story to Mr. Chong about their first encounter for three minutes straight). Taylor: >to Anderson< What are you talking about? Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. Lincoln: >to Taylor< Thank you Taylor, now we go live with Stella to see whats on the menu, >to Stella< youre on with the action news team. Lincoln: YES, YES, YES, YES, I'LL OBEY, PLEASE LET GO OF ME! WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. 58.7K 547 33. (Taylor follows Anderson and Pablo, Lynn hears the conversation and realized that Lincoln was right). Taylor: He was seventeen going on eighteen, because he bullied me after I passed the fourth grade, he joined up with a gang and tortured me, he told me that middle school was going to be tougher for me because I would face bigger challenges, so he kept torturing me more and more and more at the start of middle schooluntil one day in the middle of the semester, it happened. Taylor: I should have let him sit in the back with us, but the boys forced me too--. Lincoln: It was good Mom, though I had a problem with Lynn and--. Lincoln: Some friend she is, and yet she didnt even bother to back me up, I know there is some good in her somewhere, the bullies are manipulating her into doing something she wasnt supposed to do, I guess me and Taylor arent friends anymore because of this incident. Running Away. When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! Anderson: >to Taylor< You just got back with us, you still consider him your little boyfriend pedophile? That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Now that's something you don't see everyday. Some of his sisters watched him running away. The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies Luna: Fine dude, but one slip up and shes not welcome here anymore! Lincoln: For your information little sis, I have a guest coming. Image details Image size Mr. Chong: I've seen that we had made your point. Chandler: >scoffs, to Mr, Bolhofner< Whatever, >to Lincoln< Well well, hello Lincoln Lame, miss your eighth grade buddy? Mr. Chong: That's what I thought, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not too bright are you? The Sister Role Reversal. Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< Ah, Mr. McCann, so nice of you to be here on time, unlike last week. WebBULLY #1: Oh, Its just because we HATE you. Lincoln: You were just having some trouble. Principal Ramirez: I'm not giving you anymore second chances, you are finished with your Hall Monitor duty, giving tickets to students and reporting is one thing, but abusing them to respect the rules by force is a very serious no no, as an eighth grader, it's your responsibility to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and not the wrong path, I'm sorry but we are done with this conversation, you have detention for the rest of the week! Taylor: Well, I thought maybe you and I could start developing a better interaction as friends after the mess I've made back there. Seventh Grade Boy #1: That's when I made my shot. Principal Ramirez: Are you sure you want to continue your Anti-bullying programs? Lynn Sr.: >to Loud siblings< Kids dinner's ready, it's Taco Tuesday, >to Lynn< but not you Lynn, you can't have dinner with us, we will send it up to your room! The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies (Lincoln noticed Taylor, he is shocked to see her back with the same two boys, but Taylor becomes very desperate and sad). Well too bad, shes bad to the bone. I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. Taylor: >to Anderson and Pablo< What Im trying to say is, as eighth graders, its our job to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and make good decisions, if we bully them and lead them down the wrong path, they will make bad decisions, I was wrong to make bad decisions, I never should have joined up with you guys, the main reason why I bullied others was because my big brother bullied me and I made things worse for everybody, I want to change, and you guys forced me into doing things I dont want to do, you have no right to control me into doing something that wasnt nice, from now on, I make my own decisions and I no longer want to associate with the both of you, we are done being friends, by my friendship with Lincoln has just begun, say what you want about me, but Im not going to fight any of you, because fighting is not the answer to anything! Sisters: YEAH! Anderson: >chuckles< Well, this is weird, an eighth grader is in love with a sixth grader, thats you being a pedophile. Anderson: Very well, if thats the way you want it! You don't want to snack on it now in the hallway. (Lincoln had shown Taylor the Basement, Kitchen, Dining Room, Backyard, Stairs, Bathroom, Attic and then they got to the bedrooms). I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. Mario and the characters related are a registered trademark own and created by Nintendo. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. Rusty: >to Lincoln< All because you wanted a cooler classroom. It was a typical day morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. Lincoln: Thanks Taylor, see you at lunch. Making the Grade (my version) Thomperfan 24 March 2017 User blog:Thomperfan. Lynn Sr.: Well, you gave him trouble long enough, you can scold him or give him tickets all you want to, but you can't physically harm him like that, if you keep this up, everyone will think you will be a bad influence on him. Anderson: Fine! (The bully runs away in horror because of two six year olds, Lola and Lana help Lincoln up, who's injured) LINCOLN: Thanks, you two. (Taylor and Lincoln both walked out of the Principal's office and they waited for their respected parents to come, Taylor even spoke to Lincoln in a calming matter). (As Vanzilla pulled up to middle school, Lincoln was the first to get off). Taylor: >to Lincoln< You're the son of the famous Lynn Loud Sr.? (Lincoln and Taylor ended their video chat and went to bed, then his stomach growled loudly, he knew that the tacos were ready to go, so he rushed to the bathroom, luckily none of the sisters were up, so he closed the door gently to do his business, the next day in Mr. Bolhofner's trailer, Lincoln like yesterday was the first to be present). Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Fanfiction Lincoln was devastated by what he just heard. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Ill trade you a PB&J sandwich for a Grilled cheese sandwich. (Taylor laughs at him and walked away, chef Pat gives him left-over Brussel sprout casserole making him feel nauseous over it, Thursday, as Lincoln was getting to the bathroom to whizz, Anderson grabbed him and shoves his face by the toilet). Seventh Grade Boy #2: Yeah, we never do anything wrong in real life, honest. Mr. Chong: Now, this is what your future will be if you continue being a bully. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. He didn't know and honestly, after a lot of soul searching and self-doubts, he didn't care. Lincoln: >to Lynn< Lynn, please, I was trying to get to lunch before--. Taylor: Do you think they make documentaries about the effects of Bullying too? Rusty: >to Lincoln< I hope you will get a better week, I'm tired of these eighth grade bullies picking on us. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. Loud They regretted for everything they had done to him. She wears a pink polo shirt with a purple collar and a white button, red long trousers and white shoes. Lincoln: >angered, to Anderson< Anderson! Lincoln: I appreciate what you are doing for me, but she has been taking care of me now, there isnt any need to intimidate her, shes just visiting! You got guns than you go to jail! Principal Ramirez: Taylor, Im very proud of you, for standing up to your fellow underclassman, youve now gained trust of all of the students in this school, and therefore, youve earned this badge. Liam: >to Lincoln< I feel happy for you buddy. Mr. Chong: Yes, and you also failed to tell them that you are in charge of your own life and decisions, you have let them take control over you, you should never let them do what you dont want to do, and based upon evidence, you have been helping them steal food, toys, money and homework, what kind of a student would you be if you keep bullying others? Taylor's brother: Okay you big baby, here's how we are going to do together, while Mom and Dad are away, let's playuncle. (Taylor and Mr. Chong were in meditation and Mr. Chong shows her windows of her still hanging around with the same two bullies asking other students for money and other of their personal items). Clyde: >to Taylor< My Dad's been telling me that just because you want control over something doesn't mean you should have it for yourself. You see, this is what you look like if you spend too much time on the internet, whether it's on a phone, computer or any other device, not as a human, but an Internet Troll, nobody likes internet trolls, these are also considered cyberbullies, internet trolls send negative remarks and comments that insult people, they do this to get attention, would you let them feed you? WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn, offscreen< Sorry sweetie, you know the procedure! WebLynner or Loser. Lola: Uh Lincoln, What are you doing with your hair combed and teeth brushed? BULLY: Y-Yes! Mr. Chong: Yes, you have passed the test, I think you are going to make some new friends and even reunite with some old friends, you are awesome the way you are, without being a bully, nor being involved in a gang. (Lincoln shows Taylor the Parents bedroom). Here is my 29th fanfiction. Taylor: Yes, he picked on me since child birth, all because I was the runt of the litter, we may not have the best relationship, but he is my brother after all, he used to push me around, shove my face down the toilet, bruise my arm, gave me a wedgie Lincoln: >interrupts Taylor, rolls eyes< Been there! Taylor: >to Lincoln< Ewww, Lincoln, that was like totally rude, What did you had for breakfast? This is the worst! Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Have a good day at school son. Anderson: >to Lincoln< What are you doing out here and soalone! Nobody likes you at all, you are a nerd, and nobody will ever love you. Taylor: I thought maybe we could chat on video chat since I did find you and you are indeed my new buddy, what did you have for dinner tonight? (Leni come into Lori room to see why Running Away. WebThe Loud House Month Of Horror! Originally published on Deviantart. Anderson: >to Lincoln< First, you took our seat on the bus, then you skipped out on our end of the week punches and now, you are stealing our girl, you are going to pay for this, and for that, Im teaching you a lesson, unless of course, you have the guts to fight me. Understand?! B User blog:Babsfrisch/The Loud House Guy; User blog:BatSam247/Dimension Hoppers: Part 2; Taylor: III dont want to be like this. Lynn: Sorry Stinkoln, you know the rule, if you encounter a bully, you got to stand up for yourself, and if it gets worse, you may have to fight them, all on your own. Lincoln: Why did you become a bully to not only me but the other kids? School Officer: Sorry isnt good enough for you young lady, this is the second time you have been aggressive, this time to an officer, if I see you messing with anybody out by the hallway one more time, you will be suspended, understand? Anderson: You dont have any of your besties anymore, you got us, if you ditch us, we will bully you like everybody else, come on. Lincoln: As I was saying before I was interrupted, we have >to Lucy< Lucy, >to Lana< Lana, >to Lola< Lola, >to Lisa< Lisa >to Lily< and Lily. (As Taylor's brother laughs at her pain, Young Taylor screams in pain, it cuts to the present with Taylor shedding a small tear from her eye, Anderson notices). Lucy: I bet Haiku is coming over, but my crystal ball doesnt say anything. LENI: Yeah, Im fine. I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. Taylor: These boys are no longer welcome in my sight, do what you think is right. Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? Taylor: You sleep here with barely any light?